By A.Zawngia
Everyone needs love
We can’t live without love
That’s the gift of God
To love one another is
The new commandment of Jesus
The greatest love is
A love that gives all of his life
Giving his life for
Redeeming you and me
This is the true love, true love
Giving a life for you and me
Denying himself for his own
That is a sacrificial love
The world searches for love
They find nothing on earth
No trust and no peace
A love without a sacrifice
‘Twill never be a true love
As Jesus said, we are not to be served but to serve
And service to man is service to God
We are called to serve the world
With giving all our lives
(Lord, Thank You so much for the new song that you give me for my sermon class! Lord, as you know, this is the first ever song that I have composed by my own heart. Please, bless the song for the glory of your name, Amen!)
Hla he ei phi hra aw, tahpa rai saduthlie beih va na. Tripura Mission Field liata chakaona ei hnei nota chhao hla phi awpa ta thyutliazy na hnaw kaw tyh ei ta, ei pachana rai rai ta a pha vei. Paw Minela zy, Papa Beilaizi zy he Abeipa ta hla lachhah phi awpa ta talent a piepa hawhta pacha na ta, keima cha ei chakaona awpa hawhta vaw pacha beih va na.
Anodeikuala, a vaw nano kaw. Ei vaw phi thlahha hra he zaw!
Dt. 22.8.2011 he eima Seminary liata keima Sermon Class daihti cha ta. He sermon class liana heta eima theina nata thaina zydua papuapa ta patohpatia tyhpa a cha. Seminary liata eima y chhoh ta ei kha daihti, Final Year liata hnei tyhpa a cha. Keima chhao ei theina zydua ta apatohpatia hra na ta, Sermon topic chata “The Gospel – A True Love” tahpa atlyh ha na ta, he ei daihti chana heta hla sa awpa, keima biepipa nata a hmie awpa khoh na ta. Thata tlua na ta, internet liatazy tlua na ta. Chahrasala, hmo thei va na.
Chanota, keima liata ‘a, kheihtarai cha sala, keima phi awpa tla a vaw chhuah chakhyh tua sa’ vaw tah na ta. Roleipa nata pen vaw la na ta, ei vaw roh pachhi. He hla ei ropa he a nano kaw. Sakha hmah phie tla lei dah ta ei phi patlo thlahha cha zaw! He he ataza dawh 6:00 PM khata a cha. Ei ly ngaita kaw, a nano ei tah hmeiseih! A ao deikua dusaw ta tao awpa a cha.
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